Monday, July 23, 2012


always in summer I would work at dad’s office
right in the middle of bustling smoggy western avenue near venice
near mc donalds and fatburger
edge of the hood but not quite the hood
I loved Dad as Dr. La Rose, OB/GYN
ushering in black babies to the world both planned and unplanned
administering to a patient high on some drug or another
she may or may not have been loyal to friends or family but she was always loyal to Doctor
she’d make sure to show up on time to keep that appointment cause the baby was due in a few weeks
I’m sure there must have been something about listening to a baby’s undersea heart in a pregnant woman’s belly that was magical
a life round and full just like a woman
patients would be sitting all around that vinyl blue plastic couch of his
all that heat generating from sitting there for an hour or two would make their thighs all sticky and wet
acting like impatient kids waiting for their mom to pick them up
making all kinds of noise
wanting to see doctor
I gotta see Dr. La Rose
Where is Doctor????
trying to work the last nerves of Ernestine the receptionist
she'd take a long drag from the Kool cigarette hanging out from her lip
take a long sip from the 9th Pepsi she had that morning
and tell them you know you all need to hush
Doctor is coming
just hush
and then when he'd finally arrive
they'd get real quiet and sweet like they were waiting for only five minutes
Dad not only had bedside manner but waiting room manner too
somehow to me it was kind of an honor to change the tissue paper on the tables in the examining rooms or file stuff in the patient’s charts
I’m like my dad too you know
even though I may not want to be a doctor
these hands can heal
even though I’m 12 and too young to operate on anyone
my hands made a difference in a small way
so cool 

when it was lunchtime Reverend Shepard would come to the office
small lightskin man in a black suit & porkpie hat
didn’t know where his church was but we always called him Reverend
he’d always bring us some big macs or maybe even a fatburger from down the street
during lunchtime dad would pass out on that old olive green couch of his
snoring like a buzz saw
annoying the hell out of Laverne the bookkeeper who’d always be shivering and turning up the heat in her office even though it was 90 degrees outside
and then I understood
this was Dad’s house
a home without the underwear thrown on the floor or a Lakers game blaring on the TV
he took care of all those women who needed him
just like a father would
this was his home
and I was safe 

Copyright 2007

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